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    Introduction to information system

    In May 2018, the company began to implement the rier intelligent information management project. The project was commissioned to Suzhou Runbo Software Technology Co., Ltd. for customized development. The company's information project covers three parts: ERP, OA collaborative office and MES. The project was officially put into trial operation in the company in January 2019. During the trial operation of the project system, the software customization developer has many times. Communicate with the company, optimize and adjust many times according to the actual management process and production control operation of the company, especially the warehouse management of the company adopts the way of code scanning to enter and code scanning to leave the warehouse, which reaches the supermarket management mode, greatly improves the working efficiency, reduces 2 warehouse management personnel, and the newly added production batching system is also in trial operation. Next, according to the company General manager Xu requested that the company further optimize and integrate the work reporting and work hour review of front-line employees, add the work hour statistics and settlement module, and achieve one-stop financial settlement for employees' wages.

    Up to now, the operation of the information system has basically reached the original target requirements, and even some functional modules have exceeded expectations. The construction of the whole information system has been basically successful. The company has realized refined management of production and operation, paperless office, visual management of production site, business process optimization and information integration, comprehensively improved the efficiency of operation management, enhanced the industry competitiveness of the company, and helped the transformation and upgrading of the company.

    Copyright © 2019    Copyright Wuxi Ruier Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.  蘇ICP備09073427號-3

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